About Clever Fork

Your trusted guide to the evolution of food, drinks, and dining.
About Clever Fork

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Clever Fork covers the changing landscape of what and how we eat and drink, providing objective news, information, analysis, and reviews so that you can make informed decisions — regardless of your politics, beliefs, or interests.

What We Believe

  • Everyone deserves honest, objective information about the nutrition and safety of the foods and drinks we consider for our and our family's bodies.
  • Most food information sources are unreliable due to irresponsible or non-existent media reporting, opaquely funded scientific studies, and government agencies rife with conflicts of interest.
  • The U.S. food system is designed for business, and as a result much our country's diets are largely unhealthy and optimized for the profits of few, not the health or safety of many.
  • Animals raised for food consumption deserve humane treatment from birth to slaughter, both from ethical and public health standpoints.
  • Our climate is changing, and rapidly and dangerously so from all apperances. Taking action seems wise and responsible, regardless of what anyone's trusted sources on the issue might theorize.
  • The evolution of our food system should continue. Humans have long manipulated ingredients for taste, nutrition, safety, and changing environments. These innovations should continue and deserve our intense scrutiny. Efforts to block progress based purely on fear or principles without evidence, however, are typically driven by financial or political motivations.
  • We must address the impact of innovation on meat industry workers, but preventing the innovation of a better food system for all is not the solution. Science and technology continue to change the face of many industries, and with them the lives of millions of workers.
  • The government should largely have no role in dictating what we can consume, with the exception of clear, evidence-based matters of public health, safety, or mortality.
  • It is our role to empower readers to make their own informed decisions. With the exceptions of health, safety, and taste, we are not here to advocate for or against specific consumption habits.

Why You Can Trust Us

Ownership and Funding

Clever Fork is independently owned and operated by journalist Matt Grisafi, a media executive with two decades of experience across the news and restaurant industries.

Dad to a family of four and a lifelong foodie, cook, and meat-eater now navigating plant-based and non-alcoholic product offerings for his and his family's health, he founded Clever Fork to fill a gap in honest, reliable information about food and drink innovation.

Political Affiliation

Fiercely independent and non-partisan, with little confidence in either party's ability to lead the country competently or ethically, and abhorring the dangerously toxic us vs. them culture that our U.S. political machines continue to foster.

We are beholden only to our readers and will call out dishonesty and political shenanigans from anyone of any political persuasion when warranted.

What You Can Expect

Our coverage is focused on three core areas:

New and future food products

  • Plant-based proteins. Offering consumers an alternative to many of the nutritional, environmental, and animal welfare impacts of traditional animal-based proteins, these innovative new products are designed to mimic the taste and texture of beef, chicken, pork, and seafood. We serve up the latest news and reviews on new items coming to your grocery stores and restaurant menus.
  • Cultured meats. Also known as lab-grown, cell-based, or cell-cultivated meats, these new products are created by culturing animal cells in a lab without harming animals, all but eliminating the need for traditional animal farming. We evaluate the facts behind this technology, its potential impacts on health, the environment, and animal welfare — and add context on the politics and information warfare aimed at delaying, if not blocking, its commercial sale.
  • Complex carbohydrate alternatives. The market for healthier alternatives to address America's love affair with carbs has been booming thanks to the gluten-free movement, keto diets, and greater insight into the detrimental impacts of refined white sugar and highly-processed grains on our health. We explore the growing low-carb market, from keto breads and desserts to legume pastas and beyond.
  • Ultra-processed foods. These widely consumed products are engineered for convenience and taste but often come with significant nutritional drawbacks, including high levels of sugar, salt, and unhealthy fats. While they dominate supermarket shelves and fast-food menus, their long-term impacts on health and wellbeing are a growing concern. We navigate the latest research on these foods, their role in modern diets, and the shifting consumer attitudes towards healthier, more natural alternatives.

The Evolution of Drinks

  • Dairy-free beverages. For those who are lactose intolerant, have allergies, or choose to avoid dairy for animal welfare reasons, there are a growing variety of alternatives available. From milk and ice creams made from oats, coconut, soy, almonds, cashews, and other nuts, we serve up scoops of the latest on this expanding product category and its impact on our nutrition and environment.
  • Non-alcoholic beer, wine, and spirits. As we've learned more about the toxic impacts of alcohol on our bodies, interest in alcohol alternatives has never been greater — especially among younger generations. We pour up news on the latest innovations in NA craft beer, alcohol-free spirits, CBD drinks, mocktails, and more.
  • Energy drinks and probiotic beverages. Catering to the demand for quick boosts of energy or gut health support, these drinks have surged in popularity, but often without critical analysis. Energy drinks can come with high caffeine and ultra-processed ingredients, raising health concerns. Meanwhile, marketing from probiotic beverage companies is heavy on the promise of digestive health and immunity, but light on details or evidence. We sip on the latest products and scientific research to help you navigate the drink aisle.

The Evolution of Dining

  • Emerging technology. Getting food to your plate has never been more convenient, and it's only just getting started. What began with delivery apps, ghost kitchens, and meal subscriptions, is already headed for restaurant robots, drone delivery, and personally-customized meal kits tailored to your individual nutritional and dietary needs. We deliver you the latest news and analysis to help you decide what's the best bang for your buck.
  • Our changing kitchens. From smart refrigerators to induction countertops and do-it-all beverage stations, we've only scratched the surface of what lies ahead for our evolving kitchens. We evaluate which tools and technologies are worth your investment and which are likely passing fads.
  • Clever cooking. Now that all these new-fangled food products and ingredients are available, how do you use them? Can they really replace the real thing? And if so, how do you ensure they taste good? We guide you through recipes, ingredient choices, tips, and techniques so you can turn faux into fantastic.

How to Get Involved

As a brand new independently owned, operated, and funded publication, we have a long road ahead of us. In this age of publishing, it's harder than ever for new sites to find and grow an audience and the deck is stacked in favor of existing publications. That's why we need help from readers like you. Here's how you can get involved:

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